Young people are emigrating!
Someone has to make a start.
walk in my environment more and more young people out to distant regions. Very popular at present, Switzerland is on offer because of the jobs. Some young people I have long known as friends of my own children.
Recently, I managed an "old" friend of my son in finding a job in Zurich successfully to help. When I think of how important the young people's social environment in our region, it is not much joy.
makes the "making money" in Switzerland, just lonely. For me, these young people are not just consumers and target audience of marketing strategists, exist only if they have money. , I have to do something.
One reason why I always answer questions on internships in my company's positive. Interns take time and bring little revenue. In business, you should reject it.
For me, there are reasons to do it anyway:
first They offer me a view from their perspective on our activities and thus provide new impetus.
second We promote their self-esteem, provide a basis to tackle the difficult conditions in our region to find work.
third They are the ideal communications partner for new ideas and suggestions.
4th We help each other in the publication. (Photo by Astrid, who was an intern last in our company)
Günter wishes