Monday, February 22, 2010

Church Request Letter Donation For Missionaries

secure strings and encryption with PowerShell

In a not directly visible from the outside storage area secure strings are stored. Make them available aside to represent in a script, you will be encrypted. The encryption is tied to the machine be created.

$ E + = "1000000065th .. 34e88821400" script lines System.Runtime.InteropServices Marshal.]:: SecureStringToBSTR ($ secure string) pointer to Decrypts

Pinnacle Tv Center For Mac

dnscache (dns-client) problem with Outlook?

Whatever the reason Outlook after its completion the dns-client interferes in such a way that only a restart of the service a further work makes it possible to disable the service can help.
the status, one wonders as follows: $ProcPar=new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $ProcPar.FileName="C:\programme\WinSCP\" $ProcPar.Arguments="/passive"

# $ secure string = read-host-assecurestring

entering the secure strings to the console

$ Encrypted = ConvertFrom SecureString
-secure string $ SecureString

(suitable for scripting)

0th .6 * 44), 44)}

$ A
array of 7 parts, for clarity
encrypted.length $ / 7 = 44

# "` $ E = ` "; create $ A

$ E + = "00003d43c0 ... 5f56b26949c5"

$ secure string = ConvertTo Secure String string $ E
SecureString from Encrypted String
$ ptr = [

$ Decoded = [
System.Runtime.InteropServices Marshal.]:: PtrToStringAuto ($ ptr)

get-service * dns * Untersützung.
second On Windows, find the class [System.Net.FtpWebRequest] which supports the Property. EnableSsl = true also
. It is all encrypted FTP connection. This version is not supported by 1and1.
third For communication with passive ftp you have to use 1and1. This may not be the standard Windows FTP client. Alternatively, for example, are used: of or moveit of with Powershell and can transfer data to 1and1 reasonably safe at the sftp: password should
# and username with encryption and secure-string in the script are
$ source = "$ Env: tmp \\ data.txt"
$Open="open sftp://"+ $username +":" + $password + "@ftpserver.dom"
$Proc.StandardInput.WriteLine("put $ Source / public / ") $ $ proc = $ null

Pakistani Marry American

sftp and ftps

For about a year running a Fritz! Mini on my network. The unit looks very nice. The operation of the keyboard seems to me in the long run rather stiff and uncomfortable. After a year, the batteries were over.
Apparently, the Fritz! Mini Fritz! Box 7170 forced to restart. Observed that was during the Fritz! Mini phone functions, music, Internet radio. conclusion that there is a nice pattern technology, I can but due to the alleged interference with the phone operation is not used in a production environment.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Old Italian Speed Boats

Fritz! Mini experience

[regex]::... Matches ("\u0026lt;tag> content \u0026lt;/ tag >","( content)") item (0) groups [1] value