In a not directly visible from the outside storage area secure strings are stored. Make them available aside to represent in a script, you will be encrypted. The encryption is tied to the machine be created.
# $ secure string = read-host-assecurestring | Secure entering the secure strings to the console |
$ Encrypted = ConvertFrom SecureString -secure string $ SecureString | Encrypted (suitable for scripting) |
0th .6 * 44), 44)} | $ A array of 7 parts, for clarity encrypted.length $ / 7 = 44 |
# "` $ E = ` "; create $ A | $ E + = "1000000065th .. 34e88821400" $ E + = "00003d43c0 ... 5f56b26949c5" |
SecureString from Encrypted String | System.Runtime.InteropServices Marshal.]:: SecureStringToBSTR ($ secure string) |
| $ Decoded = [ System.Runtime.InteropServices Marshal.]:: PtrToStringAuto ($ ptr) |
| |
get-service * dns * Untersützung. second On Windows, find the class [System.Net.FtpWebRequest] which supports the Property. EnableSsl = true also FTPS third For communication with passive ftp you have to use 1and1. This may not be the standard Windows FTP client. Alternatively, for example, are used: of or moveit of . It is all encrypted FTP connection. This version is not supported by 1and1. | with Powershell and can transfer data to 1and1 reasonably safe at the sftp: password should # and username with encryption and secure-string in the script are $ source = "$ Env: tmp \\ data.txt" | $ProcPar=new-object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$Proc=[diagnostics.process]::start($ProcPar) $ProcPar.CreateNoWindow=$true
$Open="open sftp://"+ $username +":" + $password + "@ftpserver.dom"
$Proc.StandardInput.WriteLine("put $ Source / public / ") $ $ proc = $ null