connects is the theme of the 7th feltalong. and though I myself have suggested the theme and desired, it is I have not been able to deliver a contribution to it. the more I thought about it the more I found that always felt connected. through the process of felting fibers, we connect. those who felt and those that are only felted. also can be felt with other materials or other materials combined. but this is not the core, at least not for me.
this afternoon then came the topic of the felt on the feltalong and topics. and as it was clear to me: the most important is connecting felt for me my name, I have felt by the many people. people i know really at all, which I am not met, the blog also know me only through my and now suddenly all on facebook to be friends with me do. people with whom I share my passion and I fiber occasions of fibrous always meet. people with whom I have felted found in different constellations and different from, that have taught me their skills or who I have known my share. man, that one on me felt the foot of friendship links, which is long since grown beyond. people who are very close to me and suffer my filzleidenschaft sometimes have, but they share sometimes.
connects felt when the spark jumps.
and so is my contribution to the 7th feltalong not work, but it's the thought that I have formulated above.
illustrated with photos from this afternoon:
long, long ago we were two women felt flowers together, this afternoon was the spinning wheel in the corner and we did. with increasing create joy and desire to experiment created flower necklaces, a flower ring and cords. as the clock by four children from kindergarten and school came back we were far from finished. ate cake and the children were then felt that they wanted: flowers, eyes, snakes, pigtails. and so we stood on the felt table and four of the ideas just jumped back and forth, the smallest element was the prototype for a chain from my ...
connects felt when the sparks fly!